Drugs In The Entertainment Industry

It is no secret that drug abuse is something that happens every day, affected families all over the country in varying degrees. However, what many people also notice is that there are many child stars that turn to drugs after they have their time to shine in the entertainment industry. Many of these former child stars spent all of their lives without the proper guidance of their parents, and have been regularly surrounded by notoriety and drama.

Fame And Substance Abuse

It has been happening steadily all over history. From Judy Garland to Lindsay Lohan, there are numerous cases of individuals who were successful in the field of entertainment, and then turned to addiction and alcohol afterwards. However, because of how prevalent such cases are, many experts believe that there is a correlation between all of them. Many believe that there may be something that is inherently traumatic about achieving early success in the entertainment industry. Something occurs along the way that causes talented young actors and actresses to begin abusing drugs and illicit substances.

Childhood Stars

While it is an easy conclusion to make, there is definitely more to the story than most people know. The fact that public scrutiny and so much pressure can play a significant role in determining what these children do, the fact of the matter is that not all child stars grow up in such a way. There are still many well balanced and adjusted celebrities that grew up to become happy people, despite growing up with the same pressure. Many believe that the central problem revolves around parenting, and that when child stars do not reach mental maturity at an early age, they may have a harder time reaching it well into adulthood.

Ending Addiction

Ultimately, each life is different, and each story can have twists and turns, and not all need to have a bad ending. If you notice that one of your loved ones is abusing substances, it is crucial for you to get them the help that they need.

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Drugs In The Entertainment Industry